Monday, December 28, 2009


Sorry that it has been almost four months since my last post, so if you are still following, here is what is happening in my world...

Our team moved to Camp Taji earlier this month in order to advise and assist a new group of people. We are now responsible for the 9th Division EME (Electrical, Maintenance, and Engineering). Specifically I am working with four maintenance shops, each one supporting a different Brigade. Everyone that I have worked with, so far, has been great. They are eager to learn, and are extremely eager to share their culture with me. For instance, last week I was invited to lunch with one of the Colonels where we got to have a special meal called "Pacha". Pacha is considered a delicacy in Iraq and is made of sheep's head. I ate it, though I don't know if I'd do it again. The soup tasted like dirty water and the "meat's" consistency was a little unsettling. I took it like a champ though and earned some cool points from the Colonel. I am currently working on some maintenance classes for the shops that I am working with. Right now I am focusing on the electrical system and troubleshooting, areas that I feel they need the most help in.

Again, sorry for the gap between posts, I'll do a better job from here on out, we'll call it an early New Year's resolution!

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